This Saturday Concept3 was set up at CK Danceworks for their studios black and white picture day. It was a huge success. I got to meet a lot of great kids and parents alike. Sandy's Photography was on hand once again to capture some of those precious smiles from all the little ballerinas. Watching all those cutey pies all dressed up in their fancy tutus and crowns got me all teary eyed remembering my little ballerina when she first started and she had her first set up pictures taken from Sandy's Photography. The pictures were fantastic capturing the sparkle in her smile and the stars in her eyes. She has grown so much since then but I will always have that first picture. If you were able to take advantage of having your picture taken you can come view your proofs on Saturday October 27th at CK Danceworks. If you missed them then I certainly suggest you checking out her website and schedule your portraits. Whether it is a dance pose or a family portrait Sandys photography is the perfect choice. Here is my little ballerina for her first recital complements of Sandy's Photography! Check her out at